When you practice yoga, you’re not only getting your body moving. Breathing techniques are an important component of almost every yoga pose. While the poses themselves are focused on stretching and strengthening your muscles, breathing techniques are designed to increase air flow in the lungs and make you more efficient at getting oxygen into your bloodstream. This helps you to relax deeper so you can stay in poses for longer without feeling overstretched or short of breath. While every type of yoga has its own unique breathing techniques that can be modified according to your needs, here are some of the best poses for improving your breathing.
This is a balancing pose that starts in a standing position with your arms out to the side and your palms facing forward. From here, you lower your right foot towards the floor and reach your left arm towards the sky. The left hand is then used to support the upper body as you lift your right leg up and over the left leg. You’re aiming to get your palms on the floor with your feet balancing on your hands. This is a great yoga pose for improving your breathing as it stretches the chest, abdomen, and back muscles. It also encourages deeper breathing as you’re concentrating on balancing your body.
Savasana is a deep relaxation pose in which you lie down on the floor with your arms by your side and your legs stretched out. You can also place a pillow under your head if it feels more comfortable for you. This is a great yoga pose for anyone who wants to focus on their breathing and getting more oxygen into their body. It helps to relax the muscles in the chest and abdomen, making it easier for you to breathe in and out. It can also be beneficial to practice savasana after practicing other yoga poses that focus on breathing as it can help to clear your mind and get you ready for bed.
Matsyasana is a balancing pose that’s suitable for most levels. To perform it, you need to stand with your legs wide open, making sure that your toes are as far apart as possible. From here, you can take your left arm behind your back and place your right hand on your right knee. The left leg should be slightly bent with your foot facing forwards. The goal is to get your palms on the floor with your knees on the floor. This is a great yoga pose for improving your breathing as it stretches the muscles in your chest, abdomen, and back. It also helps to strengthen your leg muscles which can help improve your posture and make it easier for you to breathe.
Namaskar Apanasana is a yoga pose that’s best performed in a seated position. To do it, you need to sit in a cross-legged position with your palms facing upwards. From here, you can either rest your palms on your knees or extend them in front of you. This is a great yoga pose for improving your breathing as it stretches the muscles in your chest, abdomen, and back. It also helps to strengthen the muscles in your arms and legs which can help improve your posture and make it easier for you to breathe.
Padahastasana is a standing balancing pose that’s great for building strength in the legs and improving your balance skills. To perform it, you need to stand with your feet wider than your shoulders and your hands on your hips. From here, you can either bend your right leg and lift your left leg up or lift your right leg up and bend your left leg. This is a great yoga pose for improving your breathing as it stretches the muscles in your chest and abdomen. It also helps to strengthen the muscles in your legs which can help improve your posture and make it easier for you to breathe.
Shalabhasana is a shoulder balancing pose that’s best performed in a seated position. To do it, you need to sit in a cross-legged position with your palms facing downwards. This is a great yoga pose for improving your breathing as it stretches the muscles in your chest, abdomen, and back. It also helps to strengthen the muscles in your arms and legs which can help improve your posture and make it easier for you to breathe.
Adho Mukha Svanasana is a downward facing dog pose that’s great for improving your breathing and strengthening your core. To perform it, you need to stand with your hands on the floor at a width apart and your legs stretched out in front of you. From here, you can either lower your legs towards the floor and bring your chest towards the floor or bring your chest towards the floor and extend your legs out in front of you.
Breathing techniques are an important aspect of yoga, both for beginners and advanced practitioners. While the poses themselves are focused on stretching and strengthening your muscles, breathing techniques are designed to increase air flow in the lungs and make you more efficient at getting oxygen into your bloodstream, improving your overall health and well-being. From simple yoga breathing exercises to yoga breathing techniques, there are many different options available for you to choose from.