Balance is an essential part of any yoga practice. It helps you maintain your center as you move through different poses and positions. Practicing yoga poses that improve your sense of balance can also be a great way to prevent falls related to balance and movement issues. Building strength in your core muscles and increasing flexibility in the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders can help improve your balance, but there are many different yoga poses that can also help with your balance.Working on improving your sense of balance will also help prevent future falls and injuries. If you’t already doing these types of poses, now is a great time to start so you can prevent falls, improve your overall health, and maybe even live longer!
Child’s pose is definitely one of the best yoga poses for improving balance. This pose is not only beneficial for your spine but also your ankle, leg, and hip flexibility. To do this pose, lie on your stomach with your hands by your sides and your knees bent toward your chest. Try to rest your head on the floor with your arms and legs forming a “t” with your body. When you are ready to come out of the pose, lift your head up while gently pressing your knees down toward the floor.
Cow Pose is a great yoga pose to improve your balance because it helps activate the muscles in your abdomen and spine. To do this pose, lay on your stomach with your hands on the floor and your legs extended behind you. Bend your elbows and rest your forehead on the floor. Engage your core muscles and lift your head and torso off the floor while pressing your toes down. Stay in this pose for up to 30 seconds and then release.
Straddle Squat is another great yoga pose for improving balance. This pose can be challenging depending on your flexibility, so be sure to take your time when first doing it. To do this pose, stand in a wide stance with your feet about hip-width apart. Place your hands on your front pockets and slowly squat down, placing your knees in alignment with your hips. Engage your core muscles and hold the position for a few breaths. When you are ready to come out of the pose, stand up and gently rock back and forth a few times to release the tension in your lower back.
Half Moon Pose is a great yoga pose for improving balance. This pose is challenging because it requires you to be in a balancing position while also holding a stretch. To do this pose, stand in a tall yoga stance with your feet about hip-width apart. Place your hands on your hips and slowly bend your knees as you raise your arms above your head. With your arms and legs extended, reach your right hand toward the sky and your left hand toward your right ankle. Try to balance for up to 10 seconds before slowly lowering your arms and legs toward the floor. When you are ready to release from the pose, walk your hands toward your hips and lower your torso toward the floor.
Lunge is another great yoga pose for improving your balance. This pose can be challenging, so be sure to take your time when first starting out. To do this pose, stand with your feet a few feet apart and your arms at your sides. Step your right foot forward and bend your left leg so your knee is close to your body. As you bend your left leg, reach your hands toward the floor and lower your torso until it is about a foot away from your right leg. Try to balance for up to 10 seconds before slowly lowering your torso toward the floor.
Tightrope Pose is a great yoga pose for improving your balance. This pose will test your core and leg strength, so be sure to take your time when first starting out. To do this pose, stand with your feet a few feet apart and your arms at your sides. Place your left hand on a wall and extend your right arm toward the ceiling. As you extend your arm, reach your right leg behind your right ear and hold your foot with your right hand. You may want to use a yoga block to support your foot to make this pose more challenging.